Le votazioni sono chiuse dalle ore 21 di sabato 13 maggio


Stelline 105

Stephanie Seymour

Golden Lady

Anno 2016

Acrilici su tela, cm. 90×60

Stephanie Seymour, artista eclettica, porta nell’anima la fantasia energetica dalla sua città natale, Los Angeles. Residente a Perugia, ha studiato la pittura, il disegno, l’incisione, la grafica a Los Angeles e Berkeley, California. Amante del viaggio, fotografa, illustratrice, pittrice, ama sperimentare con diversi materiali (le Delishoes scarpa/sculture esposte a NY e Chicago), e provocare con lavori ironici come le pungenti Cactus Ladies e le sue vignette che raccontano i disagi sociali. L’amore per la fotografia, ed i forti contrasti dei ritratti e la figura in movimento, ispira i suoi dipinti, soprattutto della figura femminile. Le sue mostre personali più recenti: “The Other Side”, “Seymour c’est moi”, “Out of Place”, “Cactus Ladies”; “Incontri RavviCINAti”, mostra itinerante sulla Cina, (Italia) “Old World New Art, A Valley Girl in Italy” (Los Angeles). Inoltre ad esposizioni di pittura e fotografia partecipa a concorsi fotografici, mostre sull’umorismo, e collabora con laboratori creativi per bambini. Una donna che ama le sfide, “Nel posto sbagliato….al momento giusto”, è una frase che le sta a cuore. Email: seemoreart_4u@yahoo.com
stephanieseymourart@gmail.com, FB StephanieSeymourArtistItaly — Cell 3488938262

Stephanie Seymour, eclectic artist, carries in her soul the energetic creativity of the city she grew up in, Los Angeles. Resident in Perugia, Italy, she studied painting, drawing, etching and graphics in Los Angeles and Berkeley, California. An enthusiastic traveler, photographer, illustrator, painter, she loves to experiment with various materials ( Delishoes shoe/sculptures shown in New York and Chicago) and provoke with ironic works such as her prickly Cactus Ladies and cartoons which describe social problems. Her love of photography and strong contrast in portraits and the human figure in movement, inspires her paintings, especially of the female figure. Her most recent personal exhibitions “The Other Side”, “Seymour c’est moi”, “Out of Place”, “Cactus Ladies”, “Incontri RavviCINAti”, a travelling exhibit on China, (Italy), “Old World New Art, A Valley Girl in Italy” (Los Angeles). As well as exhibitions of painting and photography, she participates in photography competitions, humour exhibitions, and collaborates with creative workshops for children. A woman who loves challenges, “In the wrong place…..at the right time”, is a phrase that is close to her heart. Email: seemoreart_4u@yahoo.com, stephanieseymour@gmail.com,
Facebook: StephanieSeymourArtistItaly — Cell 3488938262

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